Standing Committees
The College Council may form standing committees and other special committees for the smooth and efficient administration of the College. The following committees and boards are mandated to the Council by this Constitution.
The Senate is the principal academic authority of the college. It is responsible for maintaining high standards in teaching, learning and assessment. The Senate reports to the President.
The Senate fulfils its responsibility in the following ways:
Establish and maintain academic standards:
- Make and implement policies and procedures to ensure academic standards are maintained.
- Advice and inform the College Council and President on academic matters.
- Formulate and review the requirements for the award of degrees, diplomas, and certificates.
- Establish standards or policies to ensure learning and successful completion of programs by students.
- Establish grading policies
- Review all academic programs annually.
- Make recommendations to the President for the conferral of academic awards.
- Ratify the final moderated marks for each course.
- Ratify individual student assessment profiles leading to progression, continuation and award
- Ensure that the assessment of students has been conducted in accordance with School and MQA regulations.
Carry out activities to meet the school’s academic compliance obligations including:
- Ensure all lecturers prepare schemes of work, assessment briefs, examination question papers and mark schemes on time.
- Hold meetings to verify assessment briefs and examination question papers to ensure that they confirm to academic standards specified in the specifications.
- Ensure that examinations are administered properly in examination conditions.
- Ensure exam papers and assignments get marked on time.
- Ensure that students get their marked exam papers and assignments in their account within 20 days of taking the assessment.
- Organize classroom supervision of teaching through an external supervisor.
- Collect, analyze, and report to the President on student feedback on teaching and learning.
- Investigate cases of academic misconduct and ensure adequate procedures for preventing misconduct.
- Investigate and judge on academic appeals.
Professional Development
- Establish faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes involving the MQA and partner universities.
- Establish and implement policies and procedures for faculty professional development activities.
The Senate’s recommendations are forwarded to the College President or College Council as appropriate.
The Senate consists of the College President and all permanent members of the faculty and administration chosen by the president.
Two years
The College President is the Chair of the Senate
Meeting Schedule
The Senate meets once every quarter. The College president may call special meetings when circumstances for such meetings arise.
Attendance is restricted to members.
Four members
Student Grievance Committee
Student Grievance Committee
The purpose of the Student Grievance Committee is to hear and review grievances from students relative to concerns with their academic programs, grade appeals, or other areas where the students may feel grieved.
- To provide an opportunity to any individual student to appeal against a final decision on student progression, assessment and awards
- To adjudicate on academic appeals
- To review and adjudicate on non-academic appeals
Students and faculty should attempt to resolve problems that arise between them. If students are unable to get a satisfactory solution, then they may follow the procedure below:
- Make a written submission to the Student Grievance Committee requesting a hearing by the Committee.
- All parties involved in grievances referred to the Committee will submit written statements describing the situation. Students and faculty involved in grievances may present their cases in person to the Committee, if they so desire.
- The Committee will forward its recommendations to the College President for disposition.
Final Decision
Based on the recommendations of the Grievance Committee, the College President’s will make a decision to redress the grievance. The president’s decision will be final and binding on all parties.
Admissions Committee
Admissions Committee
The Admissions Committee is a subcommittee of the Senate charged with granting admission to admission into academic programs. It reports to the Senate.
- Reviewing and developing admissions policy and practice.
- Setting benchmark admissions criteria and requirements, including the documentary evidence required to evidence fulfilment of those criteria.
- Overseeing the implementation of procedures for the accreditation of prior learning.
- Providing advice to the Quality and Standards Committee regarding the approval of articulation agreements.
- Monitoring and reporting to the Quality and Standards Committee on the operation of approved articulation agreements.
- Promoting fairness and consistency in admissions policy and reviewing implementation.
- Registrar (Chair)
- Head of Academic Affairs
- Administrative Officer in charge of Application Processing
Two members
One meeting every semester. Where timely decisions are needed outside of the semesterly meetings, our online application processing platform will be used to enable the group to reach decisions.
Degree Committee
Degree Committee
The Degree Committee, on behalf of the Senate, has the responsibility for the award of degrees, diplomas, and certificates to students who have completed an approved program of study under the provisions of the College’s Bylaws.
- To approve, on behalf of Senate, the award of degrees, diplomas, certificates, honorary degrees and medals and awards for excellence.
- To recommend to Senate, policies and procedures respecting the awarding of, as well as the ceremonies associated with, degrees, certificates, medals, and other marks of academic achievement.
- Prepare presentation lists for the awards for Commencement.
- Registrar (Chair)
- Head of Academic Affairs
- Head of Administration, Finance and Compliance
- Head of Corporate Affairs
Three members
One meeting every semester.
Assessment Board
Assessment Board
The Assessment Boards is held to ensure Assessment Regulations are applied consistently and fairly for all students. Its role is to consider and agree marks, taking the recommendations of all relevant faculty members.
- Considering and agreeing marks achieved by each student for assessment components, the overall module mark and credit to be awarded.
- Considering recommendations from any assessment panels and Academic Misconduct Committee as applicable.
- Applying any relevant MQA requirements in accordance with approved program regulations.
- Request the investigation of assessment or exam irregularities
- Moderate grades where necessary
- Request the investigation of any suspected academic misconduct
- Request the re-sit of assessments or exams with material irregularities* or those which are suspected to have been compromised.
- Review the marks for any assessment which has been proven to be compromised or where material irregularities have been identified. This can result in the Assessment Board: scaling marks up, scaling marks down or removing the assessment from calculations.
(* A material irregularity is an error made by the University, or some other issue that has been identified with the conduct of the assessment, that has affected the results.)
- Head of Academic Administration (Chair)
- Registrar
- Two members of the faculty
Three members.
At least four meetings every semester or as the need arises.
Academic Misconduct Committee
Academic Misconduct Committee
It is incumbent on the College to prepare graduates who are properly equipped for the world beyond its doors because failure to follow rules and act with integrity has serious consequences in all walks of life. The education that we provide is an important preparation for this reality. So, the purpose of this committee is to
- Record and verify receipt of Violation Reports signed by the instructor and student.
- Investigate the incident further if the student challenges the decision of the instructor and schedule a case review.
- Report the violation to the Assessment Board with its recommendation.
- To provide annual reports of academic integrity violations and final sanctions to the Senate.
- Periodically review the functioning of the committee, including Standards of Academic Integrity and Appeals and report its findings to the President of the College.
- To conduct workshops to promote and maintain academic integrity.
- Head of Academic Administration (Chair)
- Registrar
- Two members of the faculty
Three members.
As the need arises.
Quality Assurance, Enhancement & Compliance Committee
Quality Assurance, Enhancement & Compliance Committee
The Quality Assurance, Enhancement and Compliance Committee (QAECC) ensures compliance and facilitates an integrated approach to academic quality, including institutional policies, procedures, and systems.
- The QAECC ensures that the College fulfills its responsibilities under the regulations of the Ministry of Higher Education’s Regulation number 2021/R-159 and regulation number 2021/R-160 and all relevant MQA regulations and associated policies and guidelines.
- Conduct an annual review of the College in accordance with the guidelines of the MQA.
- Produce and periodically review the College’s Quality Assurance Handbook
- Implement processes and procedures to ensure the quality of the education that we provide is maintained and improved upon.
- Confirming that quality processes, practices, procedures, framework and policies facilitate the sharing of best practices internally and externally.
- Conducting relevant market research to identify the areas for quality enhancement in study programs.
- Head of Administration, Finance and Compliance (Chair)
- Head of Academic Administration
- Registrar
- Head of Corporate Affairs
Three members
Once every three months
Commencement Committee
Commencement Committee
Every year Commencement honors our graduates. The Commencement Committee is charged with planning and overseeing the commencement ceremonies.
- Plan the dates and times for the annual commencement ceremonies and all related activities according to the official college calendar.
- Coordinate with the Degree Committee for identifying and finalizing the list of graduands.
- Evaluate previous ceremonies and make recommendations for improvement.
- Perform all other duties necessary to ensure a successful commencement ceremony.
- Ensure that all functions of the committee are met through the assignment of all committee members to one of the following subcommittees:
- Site, facilities, flowers, music
- Program content and publication
- Communication
- Registrar (Chair)
- Head of Academic Affairs
- Head of Corporate Affairs
- Four members appointed by the college President
- President or Vice-President of the Student Union
Four members.
As and when required.
Research Ethics Board
Research Ethics Board
The purpose of Research Ethics Board (REB) of IMU University is to promote a culture of conducting quality research while complying with internationally accepted research ethical standards. IMU University aims to establish compliance with research ethics across the college with the highest expectations for performance in research and oversight of research involving students as well as academic staff.
- Safeguard the rights and welfare of students and to protect those participants whose conditions are the focus of research projects.
- Evaluate and approve research projects of all students who do research and ensure that any exclusion from participation is justified based on scientific, ethical, or safety concerns.
- Address ethical and regulatory concerns regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion in research and support student and academic researchers and institutional efforts that are foundational to achieving research goals.
- Evaluate all research students’ applications, including eligibility criteria, recruitment materials such as research topics and proposals, consent documents and processes, and other study documents for inclusive and equitable opportunities for potential students.
Research Ethical Standards
The Maldives Business School follows the following international research standards.
The Nuremberg Code
The United States v. Karl Brandt et al. decision of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal incorporates what is now known as the Nuremberg Code, a ten-point statement limiting permissible treatment of human subjects. Human research is only justified if its results benefit society and it is conducted in accordance with fundamental principles that “satisfy moral, ethical, and legal concepts”.
The consent of the human subject is necessary.
- This means that the person involved in the research must have:
- The legal capacity to give support.
- Be in a position to exercise free choice without any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion.
- Have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the subject matter involved to enable him to make an informed decision.
- Before the research subject accepts an affirmative determination:
- He must be informed of the nature, duration, and purpose of the research.
- The method and means by which it will be conducted; all inconveniences and risks that can be reasonably anticipated.
- The effects on his health or person that may result from his participation in the research.
- Each individual who initiates, directs, or participates in an investigation is obligated and responsible for determining the quality of consent. It is a personal obligation and responsibility that cannot be delegated to another person.
- The research should be such as to yield fruitful results for the benefit of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and excessive.
The research should be devised and founded on the results of previous research and a knowledge of the natural history or other problem being studied in such a way that the anticipated results will justify its performance.
The research should be conducted in such a way as to prevent all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and harm. No research should be conducted if there is an a priori reason to believe that mortality or disabling injury will occur.
The level of risk incurred should always be, at most, the level determined by the humanitarian significance of the problem to be solved.
Appropriate preparations and ample facilities should be provided to safeguard the research subject from remote risks of injury, disability, or mortality.
During the research, the researcher should be at liberty to bring the investigation to an end if he has attained the physical or mental state where the continuation of the research seems to him to be untenable.
Helsinki Declaration – Ethical Principles
- It is essential for researchers to consider the ethical, legal, and regulatory norms and standards applicable to research involving human subjects in their respective countries, as well as applicable international norms and standards. Regardless of ethical, legal, or regulatory obligations at the national or international level, the safeguards for study participants enumerated in this Declaration must remain uncompromised and unchanged.
- Research is conducted within the framework of ethical guidelines that seek to promote and uphold the principles of respect for all those involved as human subjects and protect their well-being and fundamental rights.
- Each research proposal and project involving human subjects must define and justify the methodology and execution of the study in detail.
- Research involving human subjects must adhere to generally accepted scientific principles and be founded on a comprehensive understanding of the literature and other pertinent information sources. The protocol should describe the relevant ethical considerations and indicate how the principles outlined in this Declaration have been addressed.
- Every precaution must be taken to safeguard research subjects’ privacy, confidentiality, and personal information.
- The participating individuals must be competent to provide informed consent as research subjects must be voluntary.
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
The research’s authorship should be explicitly stated and based on the following criteria:
- Significant contribution to the work’s conception or design or its analysis or interpretation.
- Drafting or revising the work is crucial for its intellectual content.
- Final approval of the published version.
- Acceptance of responsibility for all aspects of the endeavor. In securing the entirety of the work, questions regarding the accuracy and integrity of any portion of the work are investigated and resolved.
Contributors who are not authors:
- Contributors who satisfy only some of the four requirements should not be credited as authors.
- Disclosure is required of all financial and non-financial relationship activities and conflicts of interest.
- All published research must undergo peer evaluation within the college before submission to any journal.
- Chair of the REB is a member of faculty selected by the president
- Head of Academic Affairs
- Head of Corporate Affairs
- Registrar
- Three Faculty Member
Four members
As and when required.
Program Development & Review Committee
Program Development & Review Committee
The purpose of the Program Development and Review Committee recognizes that quality of our curriculum is an integral part of our commitment to high-quality education.
The committee ensures that it outlines the process and guidelines for the development and approval of new academic programs, ensuring alignment with IMU University’s mission, strategic goals, and vision for academic excellence and ensuring that all new programs meet the necessary standards, academic rigor, and regulatory requirements of the MQA while promoting innovation and responsiveness to evolving educational needs.
Programs can be developed based on the new disciplines that emerge and changes in existing disciplines which develops constantly, outlines the principles and processes for developing new programs and reviewing existing ones so that the educational content college teach our students and pedagogies IMU University employ to teach it are current and relevant for our students.
Conducting sectorial research to identify the demand for new programs and the review of existing ones are a function of the HOA and Senate. The policy details the steps required for the development and approval of new programs, bringing changes to existing programs and the discontinuation and suspension of programs.
- New programs will meet the needs of students and support the college’s mission, vision and strategic priorities, minimizing the potential overlap of similar programs developed.
- Proposals for new programs will meet the curricular requirements of the MQA.
- All new programs will follow review and approval processes as detailed in this policy.
- All new programs are developed in alignment with quality assurance requirements, anticipated demand, and the needs of students, industry, employers, and the broader community.
- The program review process provides a robust and efficient system to support high quality and continuous improvement of academic programs.
- President (Chair)
- Head of Academic Affairs
- Head of Administration, Finance and Compliance
- Three Faculty Members
Four members
At least once every year
Faculty Selection Committee
Faculty Selection Committee
The Academic Faculty Selection Committee is established to ensure a transparent, rigorous, and equitable process for the selection of qualified academic faculty members at IMU University. This committee is tasked with upholding the institution’s academic standards and values while recruiting individuals who contribute to IMU University’s educational excellence.
- Position Review: Thoroughly review and understand the academic faculty job description, qualifications, and expectations to ensure alignment with IMU University’s academic goals. Review the Academic resource planning as per the strategic plan.
- Application Screening and Shortlisting: Evaluate submitted applications, CVs, and supporting documents to determine candidates meeting the minimum requirements for the position. Collaborate to shortlist candidates whose qualifications closely match the position’s criteria.
- Interview and Assessment: Develop well-structured interview questions and assessment criteria that encompass teaching capabilities, subject expertise, research aptitude, and alignment with IMU University’s educational ethos. Conduct interviews and assessments to comprehensively evaluate candidates’ suitability for the academic faculty role.
- Reference Checks: Evaluate each candidate’s fit for the academic program and IMU University’s academic culture. Present well-founded recommendations of selected candidates to the President, accompanied by comprehensive justifications.
- Communication and Feedback: Effectively communicate committee recommendations and feedback to the President and Head of Corporate Affairs. Provide constructive feedback to candidates, as requested, to assist them in their professional growth.
- Reporting and Documentation: Compile a comprehensive report that encapsulates the committee’s evaluations, assessments, and recommendations for each candidate. Document the entire selection process, including interview questions, assessment criteria, and reasons for final selections.
- President
- Head of Corporate Affairs
- Human Resource Associate
- Registrar (Academic)
Two members
As and when required.
Community Service Committee
Community Service Committee
The Community Service Committee (CSC) is established to promote community engagement, social responsibility, and sustainable development within the student body and the wider community. Its primary purpose is to facilitate meaningful contributions to the local community through various initiatives, projects, and activities. The committee aims to foster a culture of civic responsibility, empathy, and active citizenship among students.
- Student-Community Development: Conduct extra-curricular activities for students.
- Community Needs Assessment: Conduct regular assessments to identify the needs and challenges of the local community and determine how the School can make a positive impact.
- Project Development: Collaborate with students, faculty, and community members to develop and execute community development projects and initiatives that address identified needs.
- Volunteer Coordination: Recruit, train, and organize student volunteers for community service activities and projects. Maintain a database of student volunteers and their skills and interests.
- Awareness and Education: Organize workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns to educate students about social issues, sustainable development, and their role as responsible citizens.
- Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly assess the impact and effectiveness of community development projects. Gather feedback from community members and stakeholders to make improvements.
- Plan activities for the student community.
- Plan activities for the wider community.
- Implement the planned activities.
- Head of Cooperate Affairs (chair)
- Senior Academic Support Officer
- Academic Support Officer
- Lecturer
- President/ Vice President of the Student Union
3 members
Five meetings per semester are recommended.