Standard Operating Procedures
Internal Verification Process
Internal Verification Process
Step 1
• Assignment briefs and classroom assessments are prepared and submitted for Internal Verification by respective faculty.
Step 2
• Assignment briefs and classroom assessments are verified by an internal verifier for quality standards.
Step 3
• Discussion with the respective faculty regarding the changes to be done in Assignment briefs and classroom assessments.
Step 4
• Changes made to Assignment briefs and classroom assessments according to suggestions given by an internal verifier.
Step 5
• The internal verifier goes through the Assignment briefs and classroom assessment and provides approval as FINAL VERSION.
Assessment Process
Assessment Process
Step 1
• Assignment and examination dates are informed through the Assessment briefs.
Step 2
• Examination timing and schedule prepared one week before the examination date and communicated to students.
Step 3
• Examination conducted using Safe Exam Browser and invigilated by faculty to monitor any suspicious actions.
Step 4
• Report being submitted on the link provided on the student portal & link to be opened 72 hours before the due date.
Step 5
• Reports and examinations are assigned to respective faculty members & to be graded within 20 days time period.
Admission Process
Step 1
•Applicants need to create logins on the application center
Step 2
•Applicants need to apply online after making the login by providing all the relevant details and uploading requisite documents.
Step 3
•After the application is submitted, it is reviewed by the application department to check the errors or mistakes in the application which is communicated to students within 24-48 hours.
Step 4
•Complete applications are forwarded to Registrar to check and approve the application.
Step 5
•Students get messages for application approval which they need to accept in order to enroll in the course.
Certification Process
Certification Process
Step 1
•Student results are compiled and verified by the Registrar to identify any discrepancies.
Step 2
•Student attendance for the course is verified and checked by the administrative department to comply with MQA 80% attendance requirement.
Step 3
•After results and attendance are compiled and verified, the course supervision form is prepared by the Senior Administrative Officer and approved by the Program Coordinator.
Step 4
•Once the Course Supervision approval is received from the MQA, students are informed via sms about receiving the course approval, and their certificate is sent for printing.
Step 5
•Students are called by the Student Relationship Officer on a scheduled date and time to come and collect their certificates.
Grievance Process
Grievance Process
Step 1
• Student should submit their grievances in written form to the program coordinator.
Step 2
• Program Coordinator will try to resolve the grievance submitted.
Step 3
• If the student is not satisfied with the resolution of the grievance, the grievance will be forwarded to the School President.
Step 4
• The School President will pass on the matter to the grievance committee which includes the School President, the Registrar & student relation officer to investigate and resolve the grievance.
Step 5
• A formal one-on-one hearing will be conducted by the grievance committee with the parties involved in the grievance to present their case.
Step 6
• After the conclusion of the hearing, Grievance Committee recommendations shall be forwarded to School Trust for disposition.
Step 7
• The decision of the School Trust will be binding on all the parties.
Appeal Process
Appeal Process
Step 1
•Students need to formally submit a letter either in person or through email within a period of one month after the mark/grade is awarded.
Step 2
•Upon receipt of the appeal letter, the President will form a panel of assessors consisting of the course instructors, and at least one other course instructor in a similar or related area, to evaluate the assessment.
Step 3
•The panel will evaluate and will reassess the assessments to identify any discrepancies in grades/marks awarded.
Step 4
•The grade awarded by the panel, after being endorsed by the Assessment Board, shall be conveyed to the student and recorded in the student’s transcript.
Step 5
•The decision made by the Assessment Board is final and no further appeal will be allowed.
Re-sit & Resubmission Process
Re-sit & Resubmission Process
Step 1
•A student who fails an examination or an assignment needs to pay administrative charges for re-sit & reassessments.
Step 2
•Student is required to email the payment receipt confirming the payment, the module, and the task number he/she wishes to re-sit or resubmit.
Step 3
•Upon receiving the payment receipt, the administrative officer will raise the request for resubmitting or re-sit.
Step 4
•Once the request is confirmed administrative department will inform the dates for re-sit and resubmission.
Step 5
• Students need to re-sit or resubmit the tasks on the given date failing which they again need to pay and request for re-sit or resubmission.
Withdrawal Process
Withdrawal Process
Step 1
•A student wishing to withdraw from the course needs to submit a course withdrawal request provided on the School website.
Step 2
•Course withdrawal request of the student will be forwarded to the Registrar for approval.
Step 3
•The Registrar will request the accounts department for the dues clearance if any on the student.
Step 4
•Accounts department checks the payment and informs the students if any due which need to be cleared before accepting withdrawal request.
Step 5
• After getting the clearance from the accounts department, the School Registrar will officially accept the withdrawal request and will intimate the same to the student.
Deferment Process
Deferment Process
Step 1
•A student wishing to take a break from the course needs to submit a course deferment form provided on the School website.
Step 2
•Course deferment form request of the student will be forwarded to the Registrar for approval.
Step 3
•The Registrar will check the deferment request and will provide the approval after verifying the details.
Step 4
• Students will get an email from the college Registrar stating the approval or rejection of the deferment request. An email will be the confirmation of the approval and no other document will be provided until and unless requested separately.
Note: If the deferment request is accepted and approved by the Registrar, students studying under the government’s Free-First Degree Scheme are required to inform the Ministry of Higher Education, and get approval from MOHE as well.